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Yahroun Hermans (ULB-BATir-SMC) was awarded the Frank Goes Award for Outstanding Master Thesis in Civil Engineering from the Fédération des Entrepreneurs Généraux de la Construction

Published on December 13, 2023 Updated on December 20, 2024

Yahroun Hermans received the Frank Goes Prize from the Fédération des Entrepreneurs Généraux de la Construction. This Prize is awarded the prize for his Master Thesis work entitled "Limit Analysis for Non-Periodic Historic Masonry Panels: An Engineering Homogenisation Approach”, under the supervision of Prof. Thierry J. Massart, Prof. Gabriele Milani (Politecnico di Milano) and Dr. Nicola Grillanda (Politecnico di Milano).

In his thesis work, Yahroun Hermans developed an ultra-efficient methodology to determine ultimate limit states of masonry structures, accounting for the potential irregular texture of masonry assemblies, a facet often overlooked in conventional analyses. The modelling procedure combines real segmented images with computational geometry tools and kinematic limit analysis principles. It allows determining the stress states leading to failure of irregular masonry for various loading direction with a speed-up of up to three orders of magnitude with respect to conventional finite element-based procedures. This methodology addresses advanced challenges in structural analysis and contributes to the automatization digitalization of structural evaluations.

The Frank Goes Prize, awarded in memoriam of former FABA|FEGC (Federatie van Algemene Bouwaannemers | Fédération des Entrepreneurs Généraux de la Construction) Chairman Frank Goes, underscores the significance of his contributions to the field.

on the December 11, 2023