Associate Professor
Phone: +32 2 650 65 83
BATir Department, CP 194/2
Avenue F.D. Roosevelt, 50 - B-1050 Brussels
Publications: see DI-FUSION
Samia Ben Rajeb is an architect and professor at the University of Brussels. She is vice-president of the study program "Architecture and Construction" at the École Polytechnique de Bruxelles. She is director of the laboratory AIA "Architecture and Architectural Engineering" within the BATir-ULB department in which she created, in 2016, the research axe "COLLÆB" (for COLLABorative Design and digital mediations in Architectural Engineering). It mainly focus on the analysis of collective design processes and on the study participatory and collaborative approaches and methodologies to support change and collective activities in the heritage and construction secto5r. Samia Ben Rajeb is also a Visiting Professor at the Applied Science Faculty of the University of Liège and at the Ecole de Technologie Supérieure of the Université du Québec. In addition to the basic research around the collective activities’ study in the AEC sector (Architecture, Engineering and Construction), she has also been heavily involved in the implementation of innovative approaches to support project-based educational methods (and more specifically in architecture workshop) and awareness, through play, of the challenges of applied collaboration in different training contexts and practices in architecture, engineering and construction.
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