1. Polytech
  2. BATir - Building, Architecture & Town Planning
  3. Team


Phone: -
Email: louise.deprins@ulb.be
BATir Department, CP 194/2
Avenue F.D. Roosevelt, 50 - B-1050 Brussels
URL: batir.polytech.ulb.be

Ir. Architect passionate about architecture and the collaborations it fosters. Exploring the relationship between integrated design, engineering and human experience.
I work as self-employed architect in Brussels and I worked for renowned architecture offices (MDW, DDS+, currently A2D) since 2015. Within the last years I specialised in Building Information Modelling as a tool to develop more sustainable projects. I'm delighted to join the ULB-team to share this knowledge with the architectural engineering students.
Feel free to contact me with any questions about my work, a project, a design.

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Updated on December 17, 2024