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Rika Devos joined the editorial board of Bulletin KNOB

Published on July 13, 2023 Updated on January 15, 2025

Rika Devos has recently joined the editorial board of Bulletin KNOB, the peer reviewed journal of the oldest association of heritage in The Netherlands.

Rika Devos has recently joined the editorial board of Bulletin KNOB, the peer reviewed journal of the oldest association of heritage in The Netherlands.

KNOB, the Koninklijke Nederlandse Oudheidkundige Bond, sets out to stimulate the exchange of knowledge in science and public policy in the field of spatial heritage. The journal was founded in 1899 and is now indexed in Scopus and the WoS Ermerging Sources Citation Index. Bulletin KNOB publishes scientific articles related to architecture and construction history, urban history as well as cultural landscape and heritage issues. The dominant language of publication is Dutch.

Website: Bulletin KNOB

on the June 1, 2023